Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Such Comfort

It was not so long ago when poopoo time was the constant thing that made Polo smile. I know that it's weird but I guess, it has something to do with the relief he feels everytime he poops.

Now, he smiles every single time he wakes up to see Marvin and I by his side. When he wakes up in the morning, when rocks and headbangs himself to wakefulness in the middle of the night, when his sleep is disrupted by his father's sneeze or snore (ye!) anytime of the day, he'll smile as long as his parents are the first ones he sees.

His smile is not any ordinary smile. It comes with a certain cute-shy-may-i-melt-with-happiness expression. Marvin and I keep recounting the moments we see him react this way whenever he sees us when he wakes up.

I love it. Not just because it's cute and heart-melting but mostly because it shows that he recognizes who his parents are and finds security, comfort and joy whenever he acknowledges our presence. Look at it this way, instead of waking up crying in the middle of the night, he actually looks for us and then smiles upon spotting us right beside him. Awww...

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