Sunday, September 23, 2007

More than Random Stuff

It's almost 3:30am and I'm still awake. I searched the net for resources I'll need for a personal Christmas project (which I will reveal within the month, hopefully...). I also catched up on Facebook (it's really addicting!).

Polo just turned 7 months last friday. Wohoo! 5 months to go and I'll probably think of giving up breastfeeding. Talking about breastfeeding... I think, Polo is in another growth spurt (if there is still such a thing for 7 month old infants). It seems that his milk demand has increased! Since, breastfeeding is a supply and demand kind of thing, my supply is yet to follow suit. I had to go on half day leave last thursday and friday morning to nurse him because the milk that I stored the day before didn't seem enough. :-S Good thing, I had the weekend to adjust.

I must admit that I may have been complacent a couple of weeks back. Thinking that I'll never run out of milk, I haven't been dedicated in taking my malunggay pills, drinking enough glasses of water and been lax in my breastpumping schedule. The down-side of it is that, it's my fault. The good-side of it is that I can still do something about it.

That's why over the weekend, I went back to taking my routine. I hope and really pray that my supply will come as expected.

Polo's milestones: He started crawling last saturday. It wasn't the usual 360-degree pivoting on his stomach kind of thing. This time around, he used his feet and arms to push himself forward to get his toy. Cool! Marvin was surprised and ecstatic.
Today, he managed to balance himself in a sitting position. We've been practicing him to sit down with assistance -- our legs and tummies or pillows as support. Tonight, while I was preparing food that his Lola will give him tomorrow (homemade applesauce, yum!), Marvin positioned him on the play mat found in our sala. To everyone's astonishment, Polo sat upright for more than 20-30 minutes. Yey!
These are wonderful milestones I will keep dear in my heart. I'm taking time out now to take note of them before time watermarks them away like footprints in shifting sand.

1 comment:

tin-tin said...

hulaan ko xmas project mo... yung dati mo pang project. hehe ;p