Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Separation Anxiety?

In a couple of hours, Marvin and I will leave Polo in the care of my Mom. We're attending the wedding of our friends Mariel and Ponch at 2:30pm today. Unfortunately, the invitation is good for only 2 people. Polo's not invited. Well, it is a formal adult affair, anyway.

This will be the first time, I'll leave Polo and entrust someone else to take care of him. Since, I'll go back to work on May 15, today will be a trial. We'll see if the breastmilk I've been expressing and storing for him is enough.

More than keeping my fingers crossed on that one, I'm trusting that like Manna from Heaven, my breastmilk supply will be sufficient for Polo's daily needs. Just as Marvin told me, I should take it one day at a time. No need to fret but simply have faith that Polo will get his daily bread. Amen!

Part of me is anxious about leaving Polo with my Mom. I'm scared that she might finish up all the 63 oz of breastmilk I stored in our freezer just to keep Polo from crying (thinking that he's still hungry every time he cries). My Mom always seems to think that the milk Polo is taking in is not enough. That's why I'm afraid that she might have him gulp down more than the amount of milk I thawed for him today.

I'm also concerned about Polo. He might have separation anxiety as well and cry himself so badly. With that, my Mom might leave him to cry by himself to the point of exhaustion just to get him to quiet down and finally fall asleep.

Yep, I can be a worry-head. *Inhale*Exhale* Ok, I have to constantly remind myself that my Mom is a Pro. Heck, she already raised 3 daughters and successfully takes care of 2 grandchildren. She'll know what to do.

I wonder if I'll know what to do on my first day away from Polo. Yikes!

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