Friday, May 11, 2007


That's how I'd recall my first time to be away from Polo. Marvin and I attend our friends' wedding. We left Polo in the care of his dutiful grandmother for 8-10 hours.

Thank God, we all managed! My Mom and Jaz were able to take care of Polo and was able to do so with flying colors. According to them, Polo was like an angel. They didn't have any difficulty feeding him, changing his diapers or putting him to sleep. Whew! What a relief! This, for me, is an indication of how it will be when I go back to work on tuesday.

As for me, I managed not to shed a tear. Honestly, I was actually excited about the fact that I'll have alone time with my husband Marvin. Haven't had much of that since Polo's birth. And that I'll reunite with our friend from the BLD Community. In short, day off ko. Hehehe...

Good thing, I didn't turn into an anxious wreck! I think I was even cool about the whole thing. Probably, it was what my Mom said before I left the house that put me at ease. She actually asked us not to bother calling or checking on Polo. It was more like the typical "Don't call me, I'll call you" phrase. To me, that signified that they knew what to do and they did, indeed.

During the wedding, Marvin and I would think of Polo when we'd see parents carrying their children or running after them at the wedding. "Soon, we'll be like them, " is what I kept saying to myself.

We didn't get to stay till the end of the reception. We had to head back home to switch places with my Mom as it was her turn to leave the house and go to a wake.

When we got home, Marvin and I were delighted to see Polo. I was relieved, as well, that my first day away from Polo was finally over. I survived it! My Mom survived it! And so did Polo!

Wohoo! Thank you, Lord!

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